When you visit www.erpizo.com, you trust us with your data, and we are committed to maintaining transparency in collection, use, and disclosure of your information. That starts with helping you understand our privacy practices. This notice explains the personal data we collect, how we use and share it, and your choices regarding this data.

Effective date: 01/01/2024

How we protect your privacy On erpizo.com

Erpizo LLC offers many software services to help you run your business. As part of running those services, we collect data about you and your business. This data is essential to run our services and critical for the safety of our services and all our users. This policy explains what information is collected, why it is collected, and how we use it.

Information we collect

Most of the personal data we collect is directly provided by our users when they register and use our services.

A. How we collect and store your data.

When you register on our website and enter your information to request a demo, we collect the below information:

Company name 
Email ID 
Phone number 
Country Software requirement
 Details of your software requirement 
Browser data – When you visit our website and access our online services, we detect and store your browser language and geolocation to customize your experience according to your country and preferred language. Our servers also passively record a summary of the information sent by your browser for statistical, security and legal purposes: your IP address, the time and date of your visit, your browser version and platform, and the web page that referred you to our website.

B. Data sharing and disclosure

Our services require that we use your information for:

We use your contact information to provide our services, answer your requests, and billing and account management reasons.

We may also use this information for marketing and communication purposes (our marketing messages always come with a way for you to opt-out at any time).

If you have registered to participate in a webinar published on our website, we may store your name, email address, phone number and company name for both direct marketing purposes and in order to facilitate the preparations for the event.

C. Data retention and deletion

You have the right to access, update or delete your personal data you have previously provided to us. You can do so at any time by writing to us on sales@erpizo.com.

We will take all reasonable steps to permanently delete your personal information, except when required to keep it for legal reasons (typically, for administration, billing and tax reporting reasons).

D. Cookies

Erpizo LLC uses browser cookies to keep a user authenticated, ease of website access. We use these cookies to authenticate users, protect user data and allow the website to deliver the services users expect, such as maintaining previously loaded content, or allowing file uploads.

We also use third-party services such as Google Analytics, who set and use their own cookies to identify visitors and provide their own contextual services.


We understand how important and sensitive your personal data is, and we take a significant number of measures to ensure that this information is securely processed, stored and preserved from data loss and unauthorized access.

Third Party Service Providers 

To support our operations, we rely on several Service Providers. They help us with various services such as web audience analysis, cloud hosting, marketing and communication, etc.

Below is a list of the Service Providers we are currently using, why we use them, and what kind of data we share with them.

Google Analytics – Anonymous website audience analysis

CAPTCHA- Anonymous website audience analysis

Amazon Web Services – Infrastructure and cloud hosting of www.erpizo.com

Data Retention 

Account data, customer database & contact data: we will only retain such data as long as necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, as laid out in this policy, including any legal retention period, or as long as necessary to carry out a legitimate and reasonable promotion of our products and services.

Third Party Disclosure 

Except as explicitly mentioned above, we do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal data to third parties. We may share or disclose aggregated or de-identified information, for research purposes, or to discuss trends or statistics internally.

Policy Updates 

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time, to clarify it, reflect any changes to our website, or comply with legal obligations. The “Last Updated” mention at the top of the policy indicates the last revision, which is also the effective date of those changes. We give you access to archived versions of this policy, so you can review the changes.